Unit 2 Key Learnings, Tech Talk 2 Notes

In coding languages, Reverse Polish Notation is used to calculate math expressions by using Stacks and the Shunting-yard algorithm to parse through the inputed data

Ex: 6 * 15 becomes 6 15 *

Operators are stored in a hash map based off of order of operations - which ones come first and thus take precedence

private final Map OPERATORS = new HashMap<>(); { // Map<"token", precedence> OPERATORS.put("*", 3); OPERATORS.put("/", 3); OPERATORS.put("%", 3); OPERATORS.put("+", 4); OPERATORS.put("-", 4); }

Unit 1 Key Learnings, Tech Talk 1 Notes

Queues are a type of data structure in which elements are inserted at the end of a queue and removed from the beginning - first in first out

Stacks are a type of data structure in which elements are inserted at the beginning of a queue and removed from the beginning - first in last out




Result: {2}




Result: {1}

Tech Talk 0 Notes

Data Structures are a method of organizing data - variables, sequences, and databases are all data structures. Data structures and algorithms work well together to create otpimized and efficient code.

Impaerative paradigms use statements to change a program's state. Object Oriented Paradigms use objects and classes.